
Spicy Dry Pot Shrimp | 麻辣干锅虾

Spicy Dry Pot Shrimp | 麻辣干锅虾


Dry Pot (drypot, Gan Guo, 干锅 or Mala Pot) is a traditional dish in Sichuan Cuisine with many variations. As indicated by the name, there is no soup in the dish. The food is basically fried or stir fried with ingredients/spices such as chili peppers, Sichuan peppers, Garlic, ginger and etc. Therefore no much water is added during the cooking process. You can put many different food materials in the pot/wok using the same cooking technique and condiments/ingredients. You get Dry Pot Shrimp with shrimps and Dry Pot Chicken with chicken and so on....

Chongqing Chili Pepper Chicken with Ice Cream

Chongqing Chili Pepper Chicken with Ice Cream

This dish is a creative adventure to combine Chongqing Chili Pepper Chicken with ice cream, which maximize the stimulus your taste buds could ever feel.

As you may already know, Chongqing Chili Chicken is famous for its heat from the fried dry chili peppers as well as the aromatic fried chicken cubes hidden in the pile of chili peppers. Combing with Sichuan Peppers, Chongqing Chili Chicken makes you sweat and swear at all the while you keep digging into the pile of chili peppers for...

冰火两重天 | Chili Pepper Chicken with Ice Cream

冰火两重天 | Chili Pepper Chicken with Ice Cream

Chongqing Chili Chicken with Ice Cream

在进入菜谱这个环节前,我们先分析一下这个菜名。这道创新川菜是重庆辣子鸡加冰淇淋,但名字取得很有文艺范。如果有童鞋由这个菜名联想到ISO服务,那请点击关闭 - 你已经超越了这道菜能提供的感官享受范围了,这道菜并不适合你。冰火两重天,这个高大上的菜名比较贴切地反映冰淇淋和辣椒带来的交织在一起的那种味觉刺激。辣椒让你的味蕾释放到极致,浑身冒汗口水长流后,然后一口香甜的冰淇淋让你每一个细胞充分享受这片刻的冰凉感受,为下一口辣子鸡丁作好铺垫。如果你需要在辣椒节里仔细挑拣出鸡丁,请向做菜的师傅表示敬意,而不要怪他/她节省成本。因为在辣椒里找寻鸡丁的过程增强了对鸡丁的期待,由此带来的强刺激更能让你体会到这道菜的深意:人生得意须尽欢,一口辣椒一口冰,谁知道吃了这口冰淇淋,下一口的鸡丁还在盘子找得到吗?




配料 :冰淇淋、西芹

调料:辣子鸡酱、食盐、蒜、姜、䓤、米酒、味粉、胡椒粉、辣椒段、花椒粒( 粉),食用油



1、将鸡肉切成 见方小块后放食盐、姜葱汁、米酒码味备用;



3、锅放油烧80 度温,放入码味鸡肉油炸成金黄, 外酥里嫩即可起锅;

4、锅留少油放姜、蒜、葱、汁炒,待香味初起时,下辣子鸡酱、辣椒段干翻炒均匀,再放炸熟的鸡肉块及西芹粒, 调味后翻炒后入盘,辣子鸡摆放盘的一周、
